Onna Sonjin Kai

Year Started: 1947, with 27 member families.
Organizers: Genshin Ishikawa, Ansho Ueshiro, Seiko Nashiro, Masaru Toguchi, James Nakamine, Katsuso Oshiro, Anroku Sadoyama.
Original officers: Genshin Ishikawa,president; Ansho Ueshiro, vice president; Seiko Nashiro, treasurer; Masaru Toguchi, secretary.
Past presidents: Genshin Ishikawa, Ansho Ueshiro, Noboru Higa, James Nakamine, Alex Uyeshiro, Royden Ishikawa, Ansei Uyeshito, Henry Uyeshiro.
Notes: Notes by Henry Uyeshiro: (1) With a membership of 55 families, Onna Sonjinkai is one of the smallest Okinawan locality clubs. It has about seven issei members. Despite its lack of size, the club was a charter member of the United Okinawan Association. Presently the club operates very informally and meets only for New Year's parties. Even annual picnics are no longer held. Highlights of the past were the New Year's parties held at the Jikoen Temple when it was located on Houghtailing Street and the softball team participation in the Hui Makaala league in the 1950s. (2) Paul A. Uyeshiro, an Onna son, is possibly the first person of Okinawan descent to receive the rank of captain in the U.S. Merchant Marine. Mr. Uyeshiro earned his captain's license in 1957.