Osato Doshi Kai

Year Started: 1919, with 15 member families.
Organizers: Nansoku Shinsato, Choyetsu Taira.
Original officers: Choyetsu Taira, president.
Past presidents: Glenn Arakaki, Sadao Miyashiro, Shinji Oshiro, Stanley Oshiro, Yoshihide Hokama, Richard Oyadomari, Sam Shinsato, Thomas Higa, Seian Hokama, Yoshio Arakaki, Hiroshi Arakaki, Teruo Gushikuma, Charles Miyashiro, Seian Hokama, Roy Oshiro (1974-75), Mike Miyashiro (1976-77), Isaac Hokama (1978-79).
Notes: Notes by Seian Hokama: The Osato Doshikai began in Waipahu, where many of the Osato immigrants resided. Presently there is a strong desire, especially among the older club members, to insure the continued existence of the club. Realizing the need of the support of the younger generations, the club is purposely involving the sansei and yonsei in its activities. At the 1979 New Year's party, part of the history of the club was shared with the younger members through the display of an enlargement of a picture taken in 1949 of the club's New Year's party held at the Warren Miyashiro residence in Liliha. Parties then were held at homes of members. At the 1980 New Year's party, we displayed a picture taken in 1921 of son members celebrating Tencho-setsu, or the Japanese emperor's birthday. The men in that picture were handsomely outfitted in suits; the women were elegantly dressed in kimono and had their hair done in kampu style. In the last two years, the addition of a mini-bazaar to the activities of the annual club picnic has helped to increase attendance. At the mini-bazaar, plants, hand-made items and baked goods are sold. The level of involvement of the younger generation is indicated by a recent increase in sansei membership and involvement in club activities. Most of the 1979 officers were sansei.