Yagaji Doshi Kai


Year Started: 1950, with 40 member families.
Organizers: Koki Makishi, Yeishu Henna, Mansuke Nakasone,Manzo Nakasone.
Original officers: Koki Makishi, president; Mansuke Nakasone, treasurer.
Past presidents: Koki Makishi (1950-60), Kiyoshi Nakasone (1960-64,1979), Stanley Tamashiro (1964-66), Wallace Kiyabu (1966-68), George Oshiro (1968-70), Robert Nakasone (1970-72), Noboru Nakasone (1972-74), Hajime Naksone (1974-75), Calvin Miyashiro (1975-77), Kenneth Kiyabu (1977-79).
Notes: Notes by Koki Makishi: Since Yagaji, Okinawa, was part of Haneji-son until World War II, the prople in Hawaii who wee from yagaji wee originally members of the Haneji Sonjinkai. But they separated and fromed their own club when Yagaji became a son in itself after the war. Yagaji is a small island that is aobut seven miles in circumference yet it maintains a variety of economic activities: agriculture, especially sugar, potato and rice growing, fishing and salt production. Before World War II,people traveled between Yagaji and Haneji by boat; after the war a bridge was built to connect the two areas.